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12 Secrets to Mastering Your 12 Week Transformation

In this article, I am going to discuss the 5 key things that are most essential to mastering any 12-week transformation. Not to disappoint you, but I am not going to talk about the latest diet fad or tell you about some secret underground training method that is going to magically transform your body. No, I am going to talk about some very fundamental, but really important things that are not directly related to training or nutrition per se, but if you overlook any one of these things, your chances of achieving a successful body transformation are slim to none. I have yet to come across a client, that has broken one of these rules and still achieved a successful transformation. So, without further ado, here are the 5 keys to mastering a 12-week transformation: Set a specific goal Whether you believe in the law of attraction or not, or the law of resonance to be more accurate, there is something magical about setting a highly specific goal. Whenever I work with clients that achieve a dramatic transformation, they always have a very specific goal in mind. For example, to get under 20% body fat in 12 weeks When you set a very specific goal, not only are you sending a clear message to the universe about what you really want, but you are also making a commitment to yourself, and holding yourself accountable to a measurable outcome. That way, whenever you are faced with a decision that will support your goal or not, you are more likely to make the decision that will support your goal. In other words you are more likely to pass on the cookie or whatever other temptation arises. If you goal is simply to lose weight, with no specifics around it, it is very easy to just keep putting it off and tell yourself things like “I’ll start tomorrow”. Make sure this is what you truly want This point is even more important that the first point. There is no point in setting a specific goal, if it is not truly what your heart desires. Many times, people set goals with secondary intentions or conditions attached. For example, they might have set a specific goal because they perceive that is what society or someone else expects from them. That is not a true goal! It is only when we set true goals, goals that are meaningful to us, and no one else, that we’re able to tap into an emotional reservoir of energy and willpower that will propel us to our goal. Make sure the timing is right This next point is also very important but often overlooked. You might have a true goal that is highly specific, but it is very possible that the conditions in your life are not optimal at this point to in time to pursue that goal whole heartedly. For example, you might have a lot of stuff going on at work or with your family that distracts you from the goal. It is important to prioritize your life in a way that you can give this goal everything you’ve got. The worst thing you can do is dabble because you then set yourself up for failure, which erodes your confidence. Be honest with yourself, and if there are other things in your life that are more important to attend to at this point in time, focus on that first before pursuing your goal whole heartedly. Master all other areas of your life This point somewhat ties in with the previous point. While it may sound irrelevant, in life, the way you do anything is the way you do everything. It’s like a domino effect. If you slack off in one area, it will inevitably spill over into all other areas of your life. For example, if you stay up late watching TV one evening and then you get to bed late, you will likely sleep in the next morning and you will be chasing your tail all day because you are not going to be well prepared. If you want to master your body transformation, make sure you get all other areas in your life in order as well. Have an exit strategy The final point, which is often overlooked, is having an effective exit strategy. I have seen many clients get amazing results through a 12-week transformation, only to slip right back to where they were because they didn’t have an exit strategy. An effective exit strategy involves setting a goal after the goal and having a plan in place ahead of time. Our brain is always searching for the next goal to pursue. If there is no goal after the goal, we will often sabotage ourselves so that we still have something to pursue. Your new goal doesn’t necessarily need to relate to fitness, as long as you have something else to pursue after your transformation goal, and you have a plan in place for how you are going to maintain your results.

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